Wisdom Teeth Removal
Great improvements in dentistry now allow wisdom tooth extraction to be gentle, comfortable and easy for the patient.
We offer wisdom teeth removal for patients of all ages.
Ever wonder why the last four teeth to grow in are called wisdom teeth? it’s because they usually don’t arrive until the late teens or early 20s; by then we’re supposed to be wiser! And speaking of wisdom, it’s often wise to remove one or more of these teeth, even if they aren’t causing pain.
A wisdom tooth, also called a third molar, is supposed to grow straight up through the gum the same as any other tooth. But that often doesn’t happen, and a wisdom tooth can become impacted, meaning it remains partially or totally surrounded by bone and gum tissue and is possibly blocked by a neighboring tooth.
What causes this? The jaw may simply be too small to accommodate more teeth, which forces a wisdom tooth to push against its neighbor. Sometimes the wisdom tooth itself causes the impaction, by growing in a direction other than straight up. In either case, the constant pressure of an impacted wisdom tooth can cause the root of the adjacent molar to deteriorate. Through a process called resorption, the second molar tooth root is literally dissolved by the pressure of the wisdom tooth.
What’s more? An impacted wisdom tooth may create a passageway for the bacteria that caused gum disease to reach both the second and third molar tooth roots and attack the bone around them. That’s why it is often better to be proactive and remove the wisdom teeth before any problems occur.
If you’re impacted wisdom teeth are not removed, it will still be necessary to monitor them periodically to make sure that they’re not affecting the health of your other teeth. While it’s best to take out wisdom teeth before their roots are fully developed, they can also be removed safely later in adulthood and you’ll still be just as wise even without your wisdom teeth!
Trauma-Free Wisdom Tooth Removal at Claude Monet dental office
We use 3-D x-ray machines. Cone beam technology allows us to see your dental anatomy as it actually exists! We use 3-D x-rays to ensure trauma-free wisdom tooth removal.
If it turns out that removing the teeth is in your best interest, please be assured that this is a very routine dental procedure. Wisdom tooth removal is done under local anesthesia to numb the area. After the procedure, you may experience some swelling and mild soreness. This can often be relieved with cold compresses and over-the-counter medication. You’ll be given post-operative instructions tailored to your individual situation.
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